Baloy Sunrise Apartelle is a favorite place to stay among visitors and local expat residents.

There are two locations, Baloy Sunrise 1, and Baloy Sunrise 2. Both are very close to the beach and the resorts and bars, and both offer excellent value. The map refers to Baloy Sunrise Apartelle 1.

In the photos, Baloy Sunrise 1 is the building with the yellow sign in front, and is located just down the side street off Baloy Beach Road from Johan’s Dive Center and Resort. Baloy Sunrise 2 is just down the street and around the corner from Sunrise 1.

If you want peace and quiet, I would suggest asking for a room in Baloy Sunrise 2. Sunrise 1 has more traffic going by, and on occasion, some local residents sing Karaoke just across the street. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it can be loud and can go quite late at night.

Take a look at the Baloy Sunrise Apartelle web site for more details and some room photos.